Sylvie Fréchette x Women's Week
Sylvie Fréchette is the fifth Canadian woman to reach the summit of Everest and the second Quebecer. She is the first Canadian expedition leader on Everest and the first Canadian mother to have successfully climbed it.
Learn more about Sylvie here: http://www.sylviefrechette.com/"Fulfilling my dream has made me happy and I have been an example for my daughters! After all, everyone is responsible for their own happiness! »
"Becoming a mother of three daughters and being involved in the role of mother for the first ten years, I had put aside an important part of myself, the adventurer... Being a mother was a role that fulfilled me for a long time. However, at the time, I was gradually starting to feel that something was missing inside me. Through diligent introspection, I gave myself the opportunity to identify two important needs that I had put aside when I became a mom: the need for adventure challenges and the need for self-actualization. I was then able to invest myself in making buried dreams come true. This process of harmonizing my adventurous spirit with that of my mother was a rich learning process. In this process, I learned what deep self-respect is; a pillar of self-love. Also, I knew that the mother-daughter bond was powerful and precious, but I discovered that it grows deeper and deeper with time.
Fulfilling yourself is a lot of challenges, but it is possible! Today, it touches me to share this with you, it is my daughters who inspire me now...".